Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Not to get political, but... well, yeah, actually this is political

I'm not voting for President this year.

That statement makes me sad.

I've been voting since I was eighteen, and I don't think I've missed a general election - or if I have, it's been only one.

I'll vote this year, just not for any of the Presidential candidates on offer.


In a nutshell, I don't stand behind Obama's economic policies, and I don't agree with any of the Republicans on social issues. Rock and Hard Place, meet Amy....

While the National Debt continues to rise, Obama spends. I'm not even going to get into health care, mandates, foreign aid, etc. No, let's just look at the way his family has handled money while in the White House. The latest is that one of the Obama girls will be going with a few friends and twenty-five secret service agents to Mexico. It's being called a school trip. Um. Yeah.

This summer, the Obamas took separate planes and motorcades to their vacation, purportedly so that the first lady could get a few hours' jump on her vacation time. *sigh* The extra travel costs are estimated at $100,000. How much did your vacation cost last year? I try to keep ours under a grand.

And it's reported that Michelle Obama took about 42 days of vacation last year, jetting off to some beautiful locales.

So what does all that have to do with why I'm not voting for Obama? Well, the way I see it, if a person/family spends their own money and time too freely, then they won't think twice about spending ours. (And much of 'ours' was spent on these vacations. The Obamas don't pay for those secret service agents, they don't pay for Air Force One, etc).

I just can't stomach it. Especially not when most Americans are struggling to put food on the table, forget about vacations!

As for the Republicans. I can barely tell one from the other anymore. It seems to me that each and every one of them stands on their religious beliefs to dictate to us what is 'right' and what is 'wrong.' They are socially backward, imo. Abortion? Hell no! Gay marriage? As if!

Get with it, Republicans! The Gay rights issues of our times are our Civil Rights fight. I will not vote for any candidate who believes one law-abiding segment of our population shouldn't have all the rights afforded to the others. I just won't.

So, I respectfully withhold my 2012 vote.

Mark Youtube Link (Blues Guitar)

Mark and I posted some more of his guitar vids on youtube last night. Here's one of them!

Friday, March 16, 2012

The State of Amy....

Weight Loss:
Another successful week of eating healthy and exercising (I hate words with S's and C's- they're a bear for me to spell: Exercising, License, etc).

Drum roll, please....

I lost another 2.5 pounds for a total loss of 9 pounds in three weeks. Wheeeeeeee!

I have more energy and I don't feel as if I'm wanting for food - so what could be better?

After finishing the intricate afghan, I thought it'd be nice to work on a mindless project. I wanted to make Ona a small afghan using a 'mini pom-pom' yarn paired with a worsted weight. It's just simply a seed stitch border and then garter stitch body (knit, knit, knit, knit, knit.... (sigh)... you get the picture). I'm bored silly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I tried to set that aside last night and start on a scarf for entry into the fair. My concentration just wasn't there and I ended up tearing it out twice before putting yarn and needles away for the night. I was really afraid I was getting a migraine - because they throw my concentration off beforehand. But nothing yet (Yay).

I finished my fourth edit of Breather a couple of weeks ago and had good intentions of starting the first edit of Sonny Boye, but I just haven't gotten to it. I'm feeling the urge to write/edit again, though, so I'll probably either jump into that soon or write something short.

Mark has me reading his favorite series of books, The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. It's addicting. *nods*

I guess the only new item to report is that poor Mark has been having wicked migraines. He missed almost two full days of school because of them this week. So I left work early on Monday to take him to his doctor and then again yesterday to take him to his chiropracter. Chiropracter said his C2 was out and his muscles at the base of his skull were so tight they were actually pulling his skull back.

No headache for him today. Yay!


Monday, March 12, 2012

The State of Amy('s fitness)

My weekly check-in:
Down another 1.5 pounds for a total loss of 6.5 pounds. I walked a bit more than 9 miles last week.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Brian and (one of) his trophy

Brian's getting quite a collection of Table Tennis trophies. The photo below is from this year's Rochester tournament where he won two trophies. He's the one with the ball cap on. (Good looking boy, huh?) :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Weekly Diet Update

I hate to call this a 'diet' update because I'm trying to change my lifestyle, not be on a diet. Amy's Weekly State of Health? LOL

Last week I lost five pounds. I walked a total of six miles and ate less than 1500 calories/day.

Last night, I bit the bullet, stopped giving our Total Gym the stink eye, and began resistance training. I thought I pushed myself, but my muscles don't really feel it this morning. I'll have to go a little harder later this week.


2012 Afghan

I finished my afghan for this year's county fair. It's baby/lap sized and was a challenging pattern. In fact, there are forums on the web devoted to knitters helping each other out with this one.

Anyway, in the photos, you'll see a green seed stitch border- I added that to the pattern as well as a little green decorative stitching in the body of the afghan. I don't think the photos can do it justice, but the pattern has trees with crossing branches, a flower garden, and a leaf border.

I won second place at the fair last year - maybe this one will put me in first. *crosses fingers*