Friday, April 20, 2012

Another week- another update

This week I've put in 310 minutes of exercise (917  minutes for the month; 2006 since I started on Spark People).

And I have walked 84 miles since the end of February. :)

Drumroll, please..... after all that, I have now lost just over 15 pounds. Yay!

Friday, April 13, 2012

New Short Story Published

I have had another short story published on the web! Yaaaa hooooo! :)

Here's the link.

Now I'm going to see if I can figure out how to put links to all my  published shorts on my sidebar... wish me luck!

The State of Amy 4/13/12

I'm still sticking with my Spark People program and still tracking away! I've raised my monthly fitness goal to 1000 minutes. And so far I'm finding it a challenging but not impossible number.

I have now lost almost 14 pounds. Yay!

I am just shy of 70 miles walked since I started the program.

I'm feeling strong and healthier.