Friday, April 13, 2012

The State of Amy 4/13/12

I'm still sticking with my Spark People program and still tracking away! I've raised my monthly fitness goal to 1000 minutes. And so far I'm finding it a challenging but not impossible number.

I have now lost almost 14 pounds. Yay!

I am just shy of 70 miles walked since I started the program.

I'm feeling strong and healthier.


  1. Seventy miles! You'll be here, soon!

    Congrats on the weight loss. You are better than I. Keep going! That's a really cool way of looking at exercise, in a block of minutes per month.

    1. It feels good to be losing after trying unsuccessfully to for so long.

      The Spark People website gives virtual trophies for fitness by minutes. I can achieve, 250, 500, and 1000 minute per month trophies, so I'm pushing myself to get them all each month. It keeps me motivated!

    2. And 70 miles - LOL - I actually thought about doing a Yahoo map and mapping my virtual way to your house. I love working toward goals.
